Paper Prints Policy


The "Finance & Audit Research Archive Letters" (FARAL) journal welcomes submissions of high-quality research letters covering a broad range of topics in finance and auditing. This policy outlines the guidelines for authors regarding paper prints and their distribution.

Paper Prints:

  • FARAL is a primarily online journal. We do not offer paper prints of individual articles or issues.
  • Authors may choose to print their own copies of their accepted articles for personal use or distribution to colleagues.
  • However, all printed copies must clearly display the following information:
    • Full article title and author(s)
    • Journal name ("Finance & Audit Research Archive Letters")
    • Volume and issue number (if applicable)
    • DOI number
    • Copyright notice (© [year] [author(s)] Published by Finance & Audit Research Archive)


  • Authors are encouraged to share their accepted articles electronically with colleagues and on their personal websites or institutional repositories.
  • When sharing articles, authors should always include a link to the original article on the FARAL website.
  • Authors may not sell or otherwise commercially distribute printed copies of their articles without prior written permission from FARAL.

Rationale for Online Publication:

  • Online publication allows for faster dissemination of research findings to a wider audience.
  • It is more environmentally friendly and cost-effective than traditional paper publication.
  • It provides access to additional features such as article metrics and supplementary materials.


  • In rare cases, FARAL may consider offering paper prints of specific articles or issues upon request. This will typically only be done for special occasions such as conferences or workshops.
  • Any requests for paper prints should be made in writing to the FARAL editorial office.