Policy of Faral Journal

1. Introduction The Finance & Audit Research Archive Letters (FARAL) Policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for the submission, review, publication, and dissemination of research letters within the field of finance and audit. FARAL aims to provide a platform for researchers to share concise and timely findings, insights, and perspectives in the areas of finance and audit.

2. Scope This policy applies to all authors, editors, reviewers, and readers involved in the FARAL publication process.

3. Submission Guidelines

  • Authors must submit original research letters that contribute novel insights or perspectives to the field of finance and audit.
  • Research letters should be concise, typically between 500 to 1500 words, excluding references and appendices.
  • Submissions must adhere to the FARAL formatting guidelines and template provided on the journal website.
  • Authors should ensure that their submissions comply with ethical standards and do not contain any plagiarized content.

4. Editorial Process

  • Upon submission, the editorial team will conduct an initial review to assess the suitability of the manuscript for publication.
  • Submissions deemed suitable will undergo a double-blind peer review process, where reviewers will provide feedback on the quality, rigor, and relevance of the research letter.
  • Authors will be notified of the editorial decision, which may include acceptance, revision, or rejection.
  • Revised manuscripts will undergo further review to ensure that the concerns raised during the initial review process have been adequately addressed.

5. Publication

  • Accepted research letters will be published on the FARAL website in a timely manner.
  • Authors will retain copyright of their work but are required to grant FARAL non-exclusive rights to publish and distribute the research letter.
  • Published research letters will be assigned a unique digital object identifier (DOI) for citation and indexing purposes.
  • FARAL may consider select research letters for inclusion in themed collections or special issues.

6. Ethical Considerations

  • Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest or funding sources that may have influenced the research findings or interpretations.
  • Plagiarism, data fabrication, and other forms of research misconduct will not be tolerated and may result in immediate rejection or retraction of the manuscript.
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions for copyrighted material included in their research letters.

7. Open Access and Licensing

  • FARAL is committed to promoting open access to scholarly research. All published research letters will be freely accessible to the public.
  • Authors may choose to publish their work under a Creative Commons license, allowing for broader dissemination and reuse of the content, or retain traditional copyright.

8. Corrections and Retractions

  • In cases of errors, inaccuracies, or ethical concerns identified post-publication, FARAL will consider issuing corrections, clarifications, or retractions as appropriate.
  • Corrections will be clearly labeled and linked to the original research letter to maintain transparency and integrity.

9. Editorial Independence

  • The editorial team will uphold the principles of editorial independence, ensuring that editorial decisions are based solely on the merit of the research and compliance with the journal's policies.
  • Editors and reviewers will disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may compromise their objectivity in the review process.

10. Code of Conduct

  • All parties involved in the FARAL publication process, including authors, editors, and reviewers, are expected to adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct and integrity.
  • Harassment, discrimination, or any form of misconduct will not be tolerated and may result in immediate dismissal from the publication process.

11. Revision of Policy

  • This policy may be revised periodically to reflect changes in the publication landscape, ethical standards, or best practices in scholarly communication.
  • Authors, editors, and reviewers will be notified of any updates to the FARAL policy.

12. Contact Information

  • For inquiries regarding the FARAL policy or the publication process, please contact the editorial office at [email address] or visit the FARAL website for additional information.

13. Acknowledgment

  • Authors, editors, reviewers, and readers are acknowledged for their contributions to advancing knowledge in the field of finance and audit through the FARAL platform.